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Noah isn't exactly too sure what he should be doing in a situation like this, with a mystery that doesn't seem to have much to it, so he does what he does best: he goes with the worst possible option. But when he gets called down to the morgue, things might just get a little more serious.
Eyeris is a podcast written and edited by Ollie Carter, creator of the Herbarium Podcasting Network. It follows a CHI employee, Noah, as he struggles to solve a string of murders, keep his health in check, and deal with various figures entering and re-entering his life.
Our tumblr is eyerispodcast.tumblr.com
Our Patreon is https://www.patreon.com/herbariumpodcasts
The transcript for this episode can be found here (this time with all stage directions included for your enjoyment) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1rMyfpeppTX0d6ZFOON8OgVrdreqtqcT3VKun552-OP8/edit?usp=sharing
Thank you for listening, and we hope you enjoy. This episode, patreon donors will be in the typed credits instead of audio credits, due to Ollie being down with a cold. They are as follows:
Spiral Opal
Hannah Mills
Kimberly Plouffe
Leni Williams
Writing: Ollie Carter
Audio Editing: Ollie Carter
Noah: Trevor Wilson
Gerald: Loki
Cyril: Dorian Wenig
Nina: Allison Dauphine
Maisy: Ari
John: Oliver
Noah Theme: Haden Plouffe https://soundcloud.com/user-587913110/
Eyeris Theme: Haden Plouffe https://soundcloud.com/user-587913110/
Maisy Theme: ER Schenck