Death at a Low Price
One Roadstop Away from Reality
Death at a Low Price is a comedy/sci-fi/adventure podcast. It follows the employees of Slot Spot, an inter-dimensional convenience store, as their lives get turned upside-down.
More specifically, Death at a Low Price is the story making and mending relationships, finding a home, and getting hot hot deals on the latest key chain from Dimension 34, because retail is retail, whether you're on earth or in a pocket dimension. As the settings and circumstances begin to change, the character have to learn to adapt, both to the situation and to each other.
Death at a Low Price is currently being rebooted, and the date for release is TBD. It will be releasing on an every-other-month schedule, though, similar to Eyeris. It will be able to be found on i-tunes and podbean, as well as other podcast hosting sites, under the name Herbarium Podcasts. Old episodes can be found here, and transcripts for those episodes can be found here.
Death at a Low Price is most likely not suitable for children. It contains cursing and, at points, depictions of violence. This show also includes LGBTQA+ representation.